The Westfield Fire Department F.M.B.A. Local #30, with the help of
the people of Westfield, have been collecting aluminum cans for the
St. Barnabas Burn Foundation for 20 years now. St. Barnabas
Burn Center operates the only certified burn treatment center in
New Jersey. A 12 bed intensive care center unit that treats
approximately 300 patients each year. Twenty five (25%) percent of
the patients are under the age of eighteen, and fifteen (15%) percent are
under the age two.
The Westfield Fire Department or the F.M.B.A. does not profit from
the collections of aluminum cans as all of the monies collected go
directly to st. Barnabas Burn Foundation. The monies from the
collection are used for burn prevention education as well as patient
parent boarding, and nursing training in burn care. Since the
programs inception in 1986 the total amount collected just from
aluminum cans through out the state of New Jersey
exceeds one million dollars.
The collection of Aluminum Beverage Cans can be dropped
off any time, day or night behind the firehouse on North Avenue.
No other labor is required, as firefighters will load the cans into the trailer.
We ask only for your help dropping the cans off at the firehouse. In the
past we have been able to send anywhere from $2,500-$3,500 to the
center. We would like to ask for your continued support.
In New Jersey approximately 1.9 billion cans are bought each year.
If only one fifth of these cans were recycled, more than $3 million
would be raised to help the burn children.